Do you have misted or broken double glazed units? If your answer was yes then were here to help Preston City Glass offers a replacement double glazed unit service whereby we replace just the Glass!! A lot of people misinterpret this because trades men will lead you to believe that you need to replace the whole window this just isn’t the case.

So, if you’re looking to replace broken-down double-glazed units please contact us today where one of our professional team members will come out to your property and give you a free no obligation quotation on the work needed to be carried out.

Failed Double Glazing is often seen as one of those jobs that can wait! However, that isn’t the case as you miss out on a number of benefits such as:

  • The energy values it adds to your property
  • Reducing condensation
  • Keeps warm air circulating through your home
  • Reduction of sound intrusion
  • Aesthetics to your home
  • Appealing to home buyers